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How to Cook a Great Steak (w/pics)


Because if you're going to buy the best grass fed steak, you gotta know how to cook it

There's definitely an art to cooking a great steak. We've learned the hard way over many years of cooking mediocre and sometimes bad steaks. Now we've got a system after tons of practice, plus learning from top chefs.

Follow these steps and tips to cook a perfect steak, every time:

  1. Thaw steak in fridge overnight.

2. Start the fire. Get the pan getting hot.

We like to use a cast iron pan.

Keep the pan empty - do not add oil/butter. We're just going to be putting raw meat in a pan and cooking. How pure is that.

3. Return to the meat, as your pan is heating.

Remove from packaging.

TIP: Wash off your meat with cool water, both sides. This really pays off. I do it with everything from pork chops to roasts. Just cleaning any residues for the cleanest possible end taste.

4. Pat the meat dry on both sides.

I like to go as zero-waste as possible. Just remember to toss that rag in the dirty laundry right after use.

5. Salt your steak on both sides.

BONUS TIP: Salt your steaks for up to 24 hours ahead of cooking. There's such a pay-off for doing this. You get a beautifully seasoned steak from the inside out. The flavor yield is far deeper and richer than from salting right before, but please, if anything, salt right before!

I like to use a salt cellar to get a good pinch on the salt. Use kosher salt flakes for best distribution.

Here's what the salted steak should look like:

Please don't be shy with the salt. 3-4 good pinches on each side. You need to add salt to your food if you cook at home. We need salt to live. Plus, it brings out satisfying flavors in savory (and sweet) foods. Enjoy life.

6. Place your salted steak in the heated, empty pan.

7. Insider TIP: If there's a fat cap, cut it.

As in, cut into it - don't cut it off.

I like to cut into it every 1.5" or so. This helps the fat to render while cooking. It also does a really handy trick of preventing the meat from twisting up and cooking unevenly.

I made three cuts into this fat cap.

8. Cook on medium high for 6 minutes. Here we are cooking a 1" thick steak.

9. TIP: You know it's time to flip when the meat releases from the pan without force/scraping. It should release with ease. If it doesn't, it's not ready to flip.

10. Gorgeous! Look at that crust. This is what you want to see.

Ok, now lower the heat down to medium-low

Cook for another 5-6 min.

11. The fun part. While you're waiting for your steak to finish cooking, get your plate and utensils ready. Pour yourself a nice glass of something.

Here we are pouring a lunch beverage, especially for preggo me. We just started carrying this alcohol free, sparkling, celebratory, Valentine's Day drink at our farm store. I do miss prosecco and I am cooking lunch, so this is perfect.

12. Steak's ready! Time to plate and add butter generously.

Bonus points if it's homemade raw butter. Be generous folks, because meat, butter, salt are health foods.

13. Ok, the steak's not really ready just yet. Just wait 5 more minutes!

You won't regret it!

You must, must, must wait 5 minutes for your steak to rest. Don't cut into it right off the pan or get ready for a messy puddle of juices on your plate.

If you wait, you give the meat time to reintegrate the juices in the steak, so that each bite is full of tenderness and flavor.

14. EAT!!!

Enjoy and give thanks to the cow, most healing amazing animal, this earth-healing, body-nourishing food.

For 14 steps this all took under 20 min.

Faster than going out for fast food.

Plus, the quality, nutrients, flavor load is worlds better.

We used a grass fed + a little non-GMO grain beef sirloin steak and it was insanely good - tender, delicious, and a great cost value at only $12.99/lb.

Congratulations, friend! You now know how to cook amazing steaks!


Feb 19, 2021

Good morning! My partner and I followed the blog to cook our steaks - GAME CHANGER. We will never go back to how we cooked our steaks before. Thank you for your clear and easy directions. To anyone reading this, I highly recommend trying this method out.

Feb 22, 2021
Replying to

Thank you so much for trying it out and sharing!!! Cheers to great steaks, yehaw!! So happy to hear it helped!


We vote three times a day; we create tomorrow's food system and landscape with every bite we eat - Joel Salatin

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